Applications for CANA’s Small Grant Program are currently closed. Our next round will open in early 2025.
Join our mailing list below to find out when the next round will be open.
CANA Small Grants Program
CANA’s vision is a fair and sustainable Australia free of climate pollution, in a region where people and nature are protected from dangerous climate change.
We’re building a collective movement, one with the power, resources, skills and influence to drive change that sees Australia cut climate pollution, support communities facing climate impacts and protects nature.
The CANA Small Grants Program builds the capacity of the Australian Climate Movement to achieve our vision of a fair Australia free of climate pollution, where people and nature are protected from dangerous climate change.
It does this by providing small amounts of money to projects that have an impactful strategy for campaigning, advocacy or organising to rapidly reduce climate pollution and advance climate justice.
This could include a focus on one or more of these key areas: climate justice, political leadership, global responsibility, phasing out fossil fuels with clean energy solutions and nature protection. As well as projects that strengthen the capacity of the Australian Climate movement in building a larger, more powerful base with greater diversity of people and climate impacted communities leading, participating in and speaking for action on climate change.
We fund grassroots organisations and projects that have an impactful strategy for campaigning, advocacy or organising to rapidly reduce climate pollution and advance climate justice. As well as projects that strengthen the capacity of the Australian climate movement in building a larger and more diverse base of people and communities taking action on climate change.
Our grant funds strategic and high impact climate action that:
1. Raises ambition to realise our vision of a fair Australia where people and nature are protected from dangerous climate change, under one or more of the following key issues:
Climate Justice: Advocacy for First Nations and Pacific justice, polluter accountability, impacted communities leadership, and a fair, fast transition
Political leadership: Advocacy for higher climate ambition from all political parties, strong democratic rights, getting polluters out and contribute to informed public conversations
Global responsibility: Advocacy for Australia to be a global leader in supporting a fossil fuel phase out and finance for transition (e.g at COPs)
Energy solutions: Advocacy for no new coal and has, a fair phase out and clean energy with community benefits with all sectors moving towards zero pollution
Nature protection: Advocacy for strong new national environment laws, and the protection of oceans, rivers and forests.
2.Strengthens the capacity of the Australian climate movement in building a larger, more powerful base with greater diversity of people and impacted communities leading, participating in and speaking for action on climate change.
Individual grant amounts range from $500 - $10,000. In your application you will be asked how much money you are seeking from this grant. The number of grants awarded each round differs.
In Round 14 we have approximately $95,000 of total funding available.
Below you’ll find the eligibility criteria for this grant program and a few activities that you can’t use the grant money for.
Funding can be requested for core funding and project/campaign funding.
We’re passionate about removing any barriers you might have to applying for this grant so please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team with any questions about the criteria.
To be eligible for this grant you must meet all of the below criteria:
Have an annual revenue below $1 million
Be an Australian non-profit organisation operating within Australia
Be in alignment with CANA's principle purpose and ACNC charity law
Submit only one application per grant round
You do not need DGR status or an auspice to apply for this grant. You do not need to be an incorporated organisation.
Small Grant Recipients may not:
Use grant funds for electoral expenditure or the creation or communication of electoral matters (as defined in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918), or to incur electoral or political expenditure or communicate political or electoral matters under any similar applicable state or territory legislation.
You can apply for a grant here.
Applications are assessed and grants are awarded by a Small Grants Committee via a scoring and discussion process. The committee comprises experts from across the climate movement with skills ranging from organising, campaigning and philanthropy. The committee includes First Nations and Pasifika representation.
It takes 4 weeks from the application closure date to receive the outcome of your application. During the assessment process you may be contacted by the committee to discuss your application and provide further information. Funding will be available in late November/early December.
Here’s a breakdown of the process:
Applications received
Initial vetting against eligibility criteria by CANA staff member
Shortlisting via a scoring process by two committee members
Final assessment via a scoring and discussion process with committee members
Applicants notified of outcome via phone
Contracts signed and funds provided to successful applicants.
The CANA staff are here to support you, contact our team at to organise a time to meet with our team and discuss your project.
We will be hosting a webinar in the coming weeks about the current grant round.
Is this grant for you?
If you’re a non-for-profit grassroots organisation or group that has an impactful strategy to protect people and nature from dangerous climate change including advocacy in climate justice, political leadership, global responsibility, replacing fossil fuels with clean energy solutions and/or nature protection then this grant is for you.
This grant is also for you if your project strengthens the capacity of the Australian Climate movement to build a larger, more powerful base with a greater diversity of people and climate impacted communities leading, participating in and speaking for action on climate change.
We recognise the importance of waste management in protecting our environment and climate but this issue sits outside of the purpose of this program. If this is your project’s focus then unfortunately you are not eligible for this grant.
We strongly encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Australian Pacific Diaspora organisations and groups to apply for this grant as we recognise that prioritising Indigenous led climate solutions, protection and Care for Country and self determination are fundamental to achieving climate justice and addressing the climate crisis.
What is an auspice?
An auspice is an organisation who manages the grant funding on your behalf. For example, an unincorporated community group with limited resources may have a larger non-for-profit organisations as their auspice. The larger NFP will receive grant funding and is ultimately responsible for the acquittal of funds. The community group is responsible for undertaking the project work.
How many grant rounds will there be in 2024?
There are two grant rounds per year. The first round is now complete and the second round is currently open until midnight on the 13th of October 2024.
Does my auspicing partner need to have a revenue below $1 million?
No your auspicing organisation does not need to have a revenue below $1 million.
Do I need Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status to apply?
No you do not need DGR status to apply.
Can we apply via another format?
Yes we are open to receiving applications in another format. Get in touch with our team at to discuss this further.
Do I need to provide a report at the end of my project?
Yes, you will need to provide a brief report on the outcome of your project upon completion. CANA will provide you with a template and can provide you assistance.